This is a packet of 5 Robusto size cigars. Cigars are 20mm in diameter x 125mm long. The Sumatra wrapper gives the cigar a lively authentic taste and sweet aroma. Cigar is 100% tobacco. These cigars are ringed and individually wrapped to preserve their freshness.
The Island of Sumatra forms part of the Republic of Indonesia. This country is renowned for the top class quality tobaccos which are grown along the northern part of the coast. The wrapper used in the Robusto cigars is selected to be the very best Sumatra leaf. This cigar is distinguishable by the Cigar aficionado for its harmonious and authentic taste. This cigar size is 125mm long and 20 mm in diameter. Each cigar is ringed showing the AMCO cigar emblem. They are packed in an eco friently carton box of 5 and individually wrapped for your enjoyment. The cigars are made from 100% tobacco. The tobacco leaves are carefully selected and together with the rich filler mixture, we produce this cigar with its unique character for your enjoyment.